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Salon de beauté près de moi, Salon de manucure Tel Aviv, Salon de beauté à Tel Aviv, spas de jour à Tel Aviv, cire de Ben Yehuda, épilation Tel Aviv, facial à Tel Aviv מנקור פדיקור בן יהודה, שעווה תל אביב, מכון יופי בן ■réhenorté sang, ,, ,, авив, са тель авив, масаж тель авив, косметоère
Time is TBD
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Kaufmann St 2, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
The Gift Description
The advanced tanning club in Tel Aviv
Today you no longer need to search for where you can tanning easily and quickly. Meet Sunless TLV, the luxurious and unique tanning complex in Tel Aviv. Here you can find the most advanced tanning machines in the world and enjoy a perfect skin tone at any time you want! The club is open 24/7. Our tanning machines are certified by the Israeli Standards Institute, the American Health Department and the European.
Offre abonnement
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